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STOP Doing these things with your Engagement Ring

One of the incredible things about diamonds is their strength and beauty - a diamond engagement ring is the ultimate symbol of love and commitment. Although they are incredibly resilient, when set in 18ct Gold a Diamond Engagement Ring is not invincible. To properly care for potentially the most valuable piece of jewellery you will ever own, there are certain things you should STOP doing and always avoid! Many are unaware of very common mistakes that can cause irreversible damage or slowly ruin their engagement ring. So for your diamond ring to be heirloom-worthy and remain in great condition for years to come, there are certain things you should NEVER do.

Let’s dive straight in.

NEVER wear your Engagement Ring when lifting heavy objects 

Diamond Engagement Rings can withstand everyday wear and tear and can be put under some degree of pressure, but they are not designed to be placed under excess stress and strain. Engagement rings become especially vulnerable in any situation when heavy lifting is involved. Activities such as going to the gym and lifting weights, moving heavy furniture around the house, picking up a heavy package or even lifting a suitcase can be detrimental to your diamond ring.

The excess pressure on the gold or platinum can mark, snag or worst case scenario - bend your engagement ring. And in scenarios such as lifting weights at the gym it’s likely the metal on metal contact will scratch the surface of your ring. Any situation that places stress and strain on your ring can damage the setting and increase the risk of a stone falling out.  We recommend to avoid wearing your Engagement Ring during any heavy lifting activities as not to risk scratching, warping or other damage caused by high impact knocks or undue pressures.

NEVER wear Diamond Rings whilst cleaning

Activities such as scrubbing bathrooms, doing dishes, wiping down counters, changing bed sheets etc all put unnecessary stress on your Engagement Ring. During these activities the risk of damaging or even losing your ring is very high! Whilst cleaning, engagement rings are easily prone to knocks or getting caught on things. This can cause many scenarios where the ring may snag - not only being inconvenient but which may bend or compromise the diamond claws. It is best whilst cleaning to simply take off your engagement ring and place it in a safe place to avoid any mishaps.

There are also certain cleaning agents such as bleach and chlorine that can cause serious damage to your Engagement Ring. After exposure to these harsh chemicals for a prolonged amount of time - the metal alloys of your ring will gradually weaken as they slowly start to corrode. This can make a ring look worn and damaged as these abrasive chemicals react poorly with gold and platinum. Inevitably this can cause long-term harm to an engagement ring setting. They become particularly vulnerable if the band is affected. If the integrity of the band is threatened, it can cause weak areas or cracks and the ring becomes at high-risk of being totally destroyed.

If you happen to forget to take off your engagement ring whilst cleaning with these chemicals, don’t despair - you can clean your engagement ring with a mild dish soap and rinse with clean warm water to best remove any of these products. This can prevent any precious metal being destroyed by these abrasive cleaners.

Even if you clean your home with products that are gentle or made from organic/natural ingredients, the residue will dull the brilliance of your diamond and diminish the shine of the gold or platinum. Which still is not exactly ideal. It’s best to place it away whilst cleaning and put your mind at ease.

NEVER wear Gold and Platinum Rings together

Platinum and 18ct White Gold are both beautiful options for crafting an Engagement Ring with a white mirror type finish. But wearing two rings with these differing alloys side-by-side is something you should NEVER do. The metals have different densities meaning one is harder than the other. Platinum scores higher on the MOHs scale and will scratch 18ct Gold. Eventually wearing the setting down and dulling the polished finish of the Gold ring.

Instead, wear rings with differing alloys on different fingers so as not to cause any damage and cause unnecessary scratches and wear. Only stack Platinum engagement ring and Platinum wedding ring together, or 18ct Gold engagement ring and 18ct Gold wedding ring together. For those seeking to combine metal colours, you may mix and match 18ct golds for a beautiful bridal stack. 18ct Yellow Gold and 18ct White Gold are popular pairings together to embrace the mixed metal look as they co-ordinate well with those who wear both yellow gold and silver jewellery.  

NEVER swim with your Engagement Ring 

Whilst saltwater from the ocean won't directly affect your ring, the colder temperature of any water will cause your finger to shrink and vary in size. This means when your hand is submerged, a perfectly fitting ring can become a lot looser than usual. Alongside the change in temperature, the movement whilst swimming is a sure way to lose your engagement ring. This should raise concern as you never want to put your engagement ring in a situation where it is susceptible to sliding right off your hand and into the water! You would be amazed at the number of newlyweds that lose their diamond rings whilst in the ocean.

And a swimming pool is no better. It’s a common misconception that wearing your Engagement ring while swimming in a pool is totally fine. Your finger will also change in size in this environment and the chlorine in the water can be detrimental to metal alloys. Chlorine will also ruin any porous gemstones. Alternatively, set your engagement ring aside before you visit the beach or any swimming pools. A sure way to avoid losing it or causing any unnecessary damage to your Engagement ring.

NEVER forget regular maintenance

As with anything valuable, your Engagement Ring should be treated with respect and well maintained. This requires a little general upkeep and maintenance, such as bringing your engagement ring to a professional jeweller to be assessed every 6 months. By doing this, it will assure your ring stays in great condition. Each checkup can preserve the centre diamond by confirming all of the prongs are in good shape and holding all the stones securely. It’s also a great chance to have the ring professionally cleaned (at Janai all of our clients receive complimentary cleaning for the lifetime of their ring) and arrange any repairs to be carried out if necessary.

Under the topic of maintenance we also want to touch on the fact that you should never professionally polish your ring too frequently. Everytime you polish your ring you are wearing away a thin layer of gold or platinum in the process of buffing out any scratches. Whilst it produces a smooth and new mirrored finish, performing this too often can produce a ring that is thin (which ultimately weakens the metal of the band). Be cautious about how often you professionally polish the ring and only consider when absolutely necessary. Anything that threatens the strength or durability of your ring should be avoided when possible. This also applies to resizing. When an engagement ring is resized it can distort the shape of the ring. Any more than one resize can reduce the strength of the band or can compromise the setting. If you're unsure, a skilled jeweller can advise on which services are most appropriate and make recommendations based on your ring. 

By following our "never-do" list It is simple to prevent any potential damage to your Engagement Ring. STOP doing any of these things with your Engagement Ring to keep it as brilliant and bright as the day you received it! So your ring is never placed in a vulnerable situation and its pristine appearance is maintained. Whilst we know you want to wear your diamond ring for all occasions, this is a ring you want to take care of and cherish forever.

At JANAI we want you to enjoy your engagement ring for your lifetime and pass on to future generations. 

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