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A Comprehensive Guide to Ring Resizing

Can a ring be resized? What is the ring resizing cost?

While it's understandable to think your diamond ring will wrap around your finger to fit comfortably forever, certain life circumstances down the line might necessitate resizing.

It’s important to ensure your ring fits perfectly, allowing you to wear it for a lifetime. Continue reading our guide to learn how the process works and what to expect. In these sections below, we discuss the reasons why you might need to resize your ring and other factors to consider.

What size is my ring finger?

First things first: establishing your finger size. In Australia, ring sizes vary from A-Z, with the most common being L, M & N. During your consultation at Janai you will try sizes from our ring sizing kit to figure out exactly which fits you best. We craft our rings to quarter sizes for the closest and most comfortable fit.

Choosing a size that isn’t too tight and restrictive or too loose and uncomfortable is essential. Your ring should feel functional and appropriate for everyday wear. Comfort can vary from client to client, as a preference for a tighter or looser ring can be personal. But don’t overcomplicate it.

Ideally, your diamond ring should fit snugly on the finger, with a little resistance to remove it over your knuckle so it stays securely on your finger. You want the ring to feel light, but not sliding around up and down on your finger with your movements. It should feel non-restrictive, leaving no deep marks on your skin and cutting off circulation, turning your finger red.

Different ring styles will have a different feel. Styles with thicker bands can feel more constricting, Styles with thinner bands can feel looser. Keep in mind an engagement ring will also have a subtle difference in fit and feel paired with a diamond wedding ring. We advise you to try an engagement ring alongside a wedding band to best understand the comfort and contour around the finger when worn together.

Still wondering? Read our recommendations:

Reasons that might cause you to resize your ring

Depending on your circumstances, your diamond ring may not be the ideal fit forever. You might have to consider a resize on these occasions:

Receiving the ring as a surprise proposal or as a gift

Whilst your fiance or friends and family do their best to get the ring size correct the first time around,  it’s not uncommon for the size to be less than perfect. For gift-givers and romantic partners proposing - we highly advise you to do some detective work before your consultation. This may be borrowing an existing ring from their jewellery collection or bringing your partner to a jeweller prior to your engagement ring search, to measure their finger size. This way when you are ready to purchase an engagement ring -  you will know for certain.

Weight fluctuation/Pregnancy

Significant weight loss will result in slimmer fingers, causing your once well-fitting ring to become loose. This can be uncomfortable and the excessive movement can be irritating to some. Others feel uneasy as they ‘hold on’ to their ring to keep it in place on their finger. A loose diamond ring also means constant worry about the ring slipping off the finger and heightens the risk of losing it.

Conversely, gaining weight will also cause an increase in your finger size, and can cause discomfort whilst wearing. Some can feel as though their movement is restricted and potentially turning the finger red from cutting off circulation. Others may find after gaining a significant amount of weight that they can’t fit the ring on their finger at all! And for those that never took them off, there’s a risk of the ring becoming stuck on your finger (and having to be cut off). This can easily be avoided by checking the fit of your ring often and regularly taking your ring on and off.

Factors to consider before Ring Resizing

Seasonal Variations, Changes in Temperature from the weather

Cold and hot weather will affect your finger size. In winter, colder temperatures can cause your fingers to shrink, while in summer, extremely hot weather can cause fingers to swell and increase in size. An 18ct gold or platinum ring won’t change or fluctuate. A size L ring will forever stay a size L (with the exception of being worn down or damaged)

Don’t be too quick to run in and resize your ring in the middle of summer or winter. Check how your body responds to the temperatures to avoid making the ring too big or too small and only being able to wear it during certain times of the year. The aim is to have flexibility to wear your ring all year round. A diamond engagement ring and wedding ring should have the versatility to be comfortable whatever the season.

Top Heavy Ring Designs

Those that go for Diamond Ring designs with large centre stones and a slimmer band may notice that their diamond tips and will fall to one side frequently. This can be, but isn’t always, the wrong ring size. Top-heavy engagement rings are more prone to spinning and even more prevalent for those with slim fingers and larger knuckles. This is gravity pulling at your setting. If you’re concerned and it bothers you, have an expert take a look or discuss alternative options before rushing ahead to resize.

Medical Issues/Injury

Certain medical issues and medications can cause swelling and fluid retention, yet when you stop taking certain medications your finger can return to its original size. Depending on your circumstances, a resize may, or may not be appropriate. If for example you suffer with arthritis and notice widening of the knuckles, a ring that fits over your knuckle would be swimming on the finger. In this case you may think about a ring with a hinge or another solution. Speak to our specialist team for their recommendation of what will be best suited for you.

How to achieve the perfect fit for your diamond ring?

What types of rings can be resized?

Solitaire Diamond Engagement Rings with plain 18ct gold bands, or plain 18ct gold wedding bands are the most straightforward designs to resize. Typically, resizing can be done 2-3 sizes up or down before it begins to affect the strength of the ring.

Rings with intricate patterns or those with diamonds set all the way along the band (like a full eternity diamond wedding band) cannot be resized. Resizing these styles involves entirely remaking the ring, as reforming the ring  to a larger or smaller size can warp any delicate details, or place unnecessary tension on all of the smaller diamonds, risking damage or diamonds popping out.

Rings should only be resized ONCE and certain settings may be more prone to weakening. If you’re unsure, speak with one of our experts to discuss your options of any resizing limitations with your ring to ensure its longevity and durability.

How ring resizing works

Resizing a ring involves adding or removing 18ct Gold or Platinum. The technique used to resize a ring involves cutting the ring and either removing or adding precious metals, molding the ring into a larger or smaller size, and creating a seamless join. The process includes cleaning, polishing, retipping the claws, checking and tightening the claws securing any diamonds and precious stones.

The cost and timing

We’re sure you’re also wondering. What’s the ring resizing cost? For engagement rings custom designed at JANAI we offer a complimentary resize for our clients within two weeks of collection. For those who have had their rings for a longer period, resizing prices start from $180.

Pricing varies depending on the style of the ring, materials and labour required. Consider if you’re sizing up if there may be additional diamonds added to the setting, or extra gold. Older rings that have worn down may require additional gold to achieve an even thickness all the way along the band. Our team will calculate the service cost in-store after evaluating the ring.

It takes on average 2 weeks for our jewellers to complete. Our in-house professional jewellers can confidently resize your ring and guide you through the process.

At Janai Jewellery we offer ring resizing services for our clients custom diamond rings. Contact us today to book an appointment with our expert team - Find the perfect fit and make your dream ring a reality.

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