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Diamonds that GLOW under UV Light?

Illuminating Diamond Fluorescence: Revealing the glowing mystery 

Imagine yourself in a dimly lit room, surrounded by the energy of a nightclub or a party. Suddenly amidst the darkness you notice something extraordinary, diamonds glowing mysteriously under the enchanting blue light. This is the captivating phenomenon of diamond fluorescence. But why do some diamonds exhibit this glow while others remain unaffected?
To answer this question, we explain below the magic of Diamond Fluorescence to explain its characteristics and the intriguing way in which some diamonds are affected by ultraviolet light. 

What is Diamond Fluorescence? 
Diamond fluorescence is a captivating phenomenon observed when Diamonds are exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light, causing them to emit a coloured glow. About 25-35% of all diamonds exhibit fluorescence, revealing this fascinating hue under UV or black lighting conditions. This occurrence is attributed to the presence of trace elements such as nitrogen, boron and aluminum. These elements fuse together within the diamond’s crystal structure, accrued during its formation. The presence of boron within the diamond expresses a blue tone whilst nitrogen  exhibits a yellow hue. 

The Colour Spectrum of Diamond Fluorescence: 
Diamond fluorescence manifests itself in an array of colours, from the typical blue tone all the way to shades of yellow, green or orange. To determine whether fluorescence is present within a diamond, the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) has established a grading system to assess this  remarkable diamond characteristic. The grading ranges from from None (No Fluorescence - No Glow) To Very Strong (High Fluorescence - Strong Glow). A diamond’s fluorescence grading will determine whether any fluorescence exhibits itself and the intensity of the glow, with a blue hue indicating a medium or strong fluorescence.

The Fluorescence grading: 
Diamond fluorescence is documented and disclosed on every lab-certified diamond certificate. This grading is based on the GIA grading scale - which provides insights into the characteristics of the diamond. The grading system assesses and categorises diamonds between No fluorescence to Very Strong. The descriptions refer to the following:

None, Nil, Negligible: Signifies the absence of fluorescence, this indicates the diamond’s colour remains unaffected, emitting no blue glow under UV light exposure.

Faint, Slight: Reflects a subtle presence of fluorescence without impacting the diamond’s colour.

Medium: A moderate presence of fluorescence, this level may impart a slight colour impression on the diamond, accompanied by a gentle blue glow under UV light.

Strong, Very Strong: Characterised by a pronounced fluorescence with a significant affect on the diamond’s colour, emitting a deep blue glow under UV light.

Does Fluorescence affect Sparkle or Clarity?
One prevalent misconception surrounding diamond fluorescence is its effect on a diamond’s sparkle and clarity. According to the experts at GIA, it has no discernable effect on a diamond’s transparency, clarity or brilliance. Even a diamond with a strong fluorescence will maintain their clarity and sparkle, devoid of any haziness or milky appearance. Subsequently, whether a diamond exhibits fluorescence or not is purely a matter of personal preference, with some clients drawn to their intriguing glow, while others prefer the classic purity of a non-fluorescent stone. 

Can Fluorescence enhance Colour grading? 
Interestingly enough for diamonds falling within the colour range between I to M colour, fluorescence can actually be preferable to enhance their visual appeal. In such cases, the blue glow of fluorescence can assist in canceling out the faint yellow tint that can be present. Visible strong fluorescence can improve the perceived quality in these graded stones. Imparting a perceived colourlessness, especially when placed under ultraviolet light. Although these diamond colour gradings aren’t commonly used for Engagement Rings, they can be used strategically by extra budget-conscious clients.

Is Diamond Fluorescence visible in Natural Light?
Generally in natural environments, fluorescence in a diamond will be undetectable. You might catch a light glimpse of fluorescence in natural sunlight, but it really reveals itself under the more specific lighting conditions of UV/black light. This is where the illuminated diamond will uncover its faint to intense blue glow to unveil their magical glow.

Diamond fluorescence remains a unique phenomenon. From within the intricate lattice of each diamond’s crystalline structure, this mesmerising tale of glow and intrigue adds even extra mystique to precious diamonds. Whether one is captivated by the ethereal glow or is drawn to the classic elegance of the purest diamond, fluorescence is a part of the unique allure of diamonds. Diamond fluorescence serves as a reminder of the complexity and brilliance inherent in these coveted stones, each with their enchanting qualities.

Our Diamond specialists will guide you through the unique characteristics of our diamonds to offer valuable insights into diamond fluorescence to make an informed decision based on your preferences. You may view our loose diamonds under both UV and natural lighting to determine which is fit for your Engagement Ring. Our consultants will guide you through all aspects of diamonds to design your perfect Diamond Ring. 

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